Friday, April 26, 2013

Dress of a Vaishnava

A devotee's clothing must be simple, clean and distinctive so as to remind people of Kåñëa.
The simple definition of Vaiñëava is given by Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu: a person who immediately reminds one of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kåñëa, is a Vaiñëava. [SB 4.21.37 Purport]
yäìhära darçane mukhe äise kåñëa-näma
täìhäre jäniha tumi ‘vaiñëava-pradhäna’
A first-class Vaiñëava is he whose very presence makes others chant the holy name of Kåñëa. [CC Madhya 16.74]
The clothing should not be fashionable and opulent.
In our Kåñëa consciousness movement, fashionable persons are taught to adopt one fashion — the dress of a Vaiñëava with a shaved head and tilaka. [SB 6.5.14 Purport]
Vaiñëava must have dvädaça-tilaka (markings of tilaka in 12 places of the body), çikhä, sütra (brahminical thread), kaëöhi (neck beads). [Lecture: CC Madhya 8.128, Bhuvaneçvara, January 24, 1977]

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