Saturday, April 27, 2013

Marking the Body with Tilaka

Every devotee should take his bath early in the morning and decorate his body with tilaka. [SB 4.12.28 Purport] While decorating the body with tilaka, we give protection to the body by chanting twelve names of Viñëu. [SB 10.6.27-29 Purport]
dvädaça-tilaka-mantra ei dvädaça näma
äcamane ei näme sparçi tat-tat-sthäna
When putting the twelve tilaka marks on the twelve places of the body, one has to chant the mantra consisting of these twelve Viñëu names. After daily worship, when one anoints the different parts of the body with water, these names should be chanted as one touches each part of the body. [CC Madhya 20.202]
Çréla Prabhupäda explains in the purport: While marking the body with tilaka, one should chant the following mantra, which consists of twelve names of Lord Viñëu:
laläöe keçavaà dhyäyen näräyaëam athodare vakñaù-sthale mädhavaà tu govindaà kaëöha-küpake viñëuà ca dakñiëe kukñau bähau ca madhusüdanam trivikramaà kandhare tu vämanaà väma-pärçvake çrédharaà väma-bähau tu håñékeçaà tu kandhare påñöhe ca padmanäbhaà ca kaöyäà dämodaraà nyaset
When one marks the forehead with tilaka, he must remember Keçava.
When one marks the lower abdomen, he must remember Näräyaëa.
For the chest, one should remember Mädhava, and
When marking the hollow of the neck one should remember Govinda.
Lord Viñëu should be remembered while marking the right side of the belly, and
Madhusüdana should be remembered when marking the right arm.
Trivikrama should be remembered when marking the right shoulder, and
Vämana should be remembered when marking the left side of the belly.
Çrédhara should be remembered while marking the left arm, and
Håñékeça should be remembered when marking the left shoulder.
Padmanäbha and Dämodara should be remembered when marking the back.
In Kali-yuga one can hardly acquire gold or jeweled ornaments, but the twelve tilaka marks on the body are sufficient as auspicious decorations to purify the body. [SB 4.12.28 Purport]

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