Friday, May 3, 2013

Chant in Association of Devotees

Çréla Prabhupäda instructs:
Please be very strict in following all the rules and regulations as well as chanting at least 16 good rounds daily and reading all my books thoroughly. [Letter to: Nrsimha dasa, Bombay, 4 January, 1975]
This chanting and hearing should be in the association of devotees. First of all, one must have faith that chanting is good. Then he should chant in the society of the devotees. Then it will develop. He can chant anywhere. But if he chants along... Therefore saìkértana. Bahubhir milita. Many devotees, chanting together, that is called saìkértana. So one, our movement is saìkértana movement, many devotees together would chant the holy name of God. Then it is very quickly successful. [Morning Walk: Paris, June 11, 1974]
Thousand Times Potent
Prabhupäda: And this night I have explained, chanting outside the temple and chanting in the temple, it increases the value thousand times. That I have explained, this evening, this last night.
Puñöa Kåñëa: Chanting in the temple increases the?
Prabhupäda: Value.
Puñöa Kåñëa: The value.
Prabhupäda: Potency, thousand times. Otherwise, why they are going to the Våndävana? (aside:) Hare Kåñëa. Jaya.
[Morning Walk, Bombay, April 15, 1976]
Chance of fall down
Brahmänanda: I think sometimes we recommend the devotees to chant their rounds in the temple rather than walk in other places.
Prabhupäda: Why one should walk other places? Who has said that you go out, walk other places? Never said.
Devotee (7): It may not really be necessary.
Prabhupäda: No. You should chant in the temple. Why should you go to other place?
Devotee (7): So there is no difference someone chanting out of the temple, in the temple.
Prabhupäda: Why you should go outside? Who has allowed him to go outside? Unless he has got some important business for the temple, why one should go to outside? There is no need. That is the chance of falling down.
[Morning Walk: Nairobi, November, 1975]
Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura criticized devotees who prematurely wanted to chant in a solitary place. Haridäsa Öhäkura was chanting in a secluded place always. Kishore das Babaji, the spiritual master of Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura would chant alone in a solitary place so as not to be bothered by anyone in his meditation on Kåñëa. But these great personalities are not to be imitated. If we artificially imitate, out of some negative feeling or out of desire for adoration as a saintly person, it will not be very beneficial. Now, if somebody, without being elevated to such high position, imitates, "Oh, Haridäsa Öhäkura chanted. Let me sit down in a solitary place and chant," he cannot do that. It is not possible. He'll simply imitate and he'll do all nonsense. Only after maturing in devotion can he sit down in a solitary place to chant the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra as Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu Himself did. [Collections from Çréla Prabhupäda’s words]
For more practical tips on chanting Hare Kåñëa Mahä-mantra click here.

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