Friday, May 3, 2013

FAQ on Chanting Hare Krishna Mantra

Can we remember the pastimes of Kåñëa while chanting?
Regarding Jadurani's question, hearing the vibration of Hare Krishna automatically reminds one of Krishna's Pastimes. So both of them arise simultaneously in the mind when one is sincerely chanting. So you cannot make any distinction between listening to the sound and thinking of the Pastimes. But the process is to hear, and then Krishna's Pastimes, Form, Qualities, etc. will automatically come to mind: That is very nice. [Letter to: Satsvarupa, Newyork, April 10, 1969]
Generally it is the process to simply chant and hear, but if Krishna's lila comes into remembrance, that is very good. It should come automatically. Not that you are remembering artificially. [Letter to: Prahaladananda, Bombay, June 17, 1971]
How to deal with Disturbed Mind?
With disturbed mind (you) cannot execute devotional service. Therefore in the beginning, if somebody all of a sudden becomes a Vaiñëava and in a solitary place, “I am chanting,” that is cheating. How you can be...? How you can chant? You cannot, because your mind is not fixed up. Unless you are purified, your mind is always disturbed. That is the material condition. The mind must be disturbed. [Lecture: SB: 1.2.19, Calcutta, September 27, 1974]
Anyway, even if we are disturbed, then the only resort is to chant and concentrate one's mind in Krishna. There is no other alternative. [Letter to: Hamsaduta, Hawaii, 23 March, 1969]
How to chant the holy names when the mind is clouded?
Viñëujana: How will it be possible, Prabhupäda, for a man whose mind is clouded to constantly chant Hare Kåñëa? A man who’s always thinking thoughts about family, friends, country, nation?
Prabhupäda: Yes. Think of. At the same time, chant. Two things will go on, and this will conquer. (chuckling) as mäyä is forcing you to drag you from this Kåñëa consciousness, you also force mäyä by chanting Hare Kåñëa. There is fight. And mäyä will go away.
daivé hy eñä guëamayé mama mäyä duratyayä
mäm eva ye prapadyante mäyäm etäà taranti te
This mäyä is very strong. She’ll force you to entice you to other path. But if you do not stop, if you chant loudly. Just like Haridäsa Thäkura was chanting, and mäyä could not victimize him. Simply chanting Hare Kåñëa Hare Kåñëa Kåñëa Kåñëa Hare Hare, Hare Räma Hare Räma Räma Räma Hare Hare. Mäyä could not entice. Mäyä failed. Mäyä became his disciple. He did not become mäyä’s disciple. This is tug of war. So don’t be afraid of mäyä. Simply enhance chanting and you’ll be conqueror. We are not afraid of mäyä because Kåñëa is there. Yes. Kåñëa says, kaunteya pratijänéhi na me bhaktaù praëaçyati. You just declare, “My devotee will never be vanquished by mäyä.” Mäyä cannot do anything. Simply you have to become strong. And what is that strength? Chant Hare Kåñëa Hare Kåñëa Kåñëa Kåñëa Hare Hare, loudly. Yes. [Lecture, Bhagavad-gétä 3.6-10, December 23, 1968, Los Angeles]

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