Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Letter to Govinda Dasi on Tulasi Care

I am so very glad to learn that Srimati Tulasi Devi has favored you so much. If you can actually grow this Tulasi plant, and I am sure you will do it, then you must know it for certain that your devotion for Krsna is testified. I was very much anxious to introduce this worship of Tulasi plant amongst our Society members, but it has not become successful til now, therefore, when I hear that you have got this opportunity, my pleasure does not have any bounds.
Please take care of the Tulasi plants in the following way. This is the best season for growing Tulasi plants. From 15th April to 15th June is the best season for growing this plant. Now I understand that the seedlings are coming out, so the whole spot if possible may be covered by some net because the seedling stage creepers being very delicate are sometimes eaten up by the sparrows, so we have to give a little protection from attack of the sparrows. All the devotees should pour water at least once in the morning before taking prasadam. The watering should not be very much large in quantity, but it should be poured just to keep the ground soft and moist. Sunlight also should be allowed. When the creepers are grown at least 7 inches high, then you can take them out from the planting soil and transplant them in a row in a different place. Then go on watering and they will grow like anything. I think this plant cannot grow in cold countries, but if the plants are dispatched from your place and if the devotees take care of the plant with a little care in a flower pot, then it may grow.
Tulasi leaf is very, very dear to Visnu. All Visnu-tattva Deities require profusely Tulasi leaves. Lord Visnu likes garland of Tulasi leaves. Tulsi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. But we must be very careful that Tulasi leaves cannot be placed on the feet of anyone else except Lord Visnu and His different forms. Tulasi leaves cannot be placed even on the lotus feet of Radharani or on the lotus feet of the Spiritual Master. It is entirely reserved for being placed on the lotus feet of Krsna. We can place, however, Tulasi leaves in the hands of Radharani for being placed on the lotus feet of Krsna, as you have seen on the Govinda Album.
I am giving you herewith three mantras for Tulasi Devi as follows:
våndäyai tulasé-devyai priyäyai keçavasya ca
viñëu-bhakti-prade devé satya vatyai namo namaù
I offer my repeated obeisances unto Våndä, Çrématé Tulasé Devé, who is very dear to Lord Keçava. O goddess, you bestow devotional service to Kåñëa, and you possess the highest truth.
This is offering obeisances, bowing down (pancanga pranam).
And when collecting leaves from the plant, the following mantra should be chanted:
tulasy amåta-janmäsi sadä tvaà keçava-priyä
keçavärthaà cinomi tväà varadä bhava çobhane
O Tulasé, you were born from nectar. You are always very dear to Lord Keçava. Now, in order to worship Lord Keçava, I am collecting your leaves and maïjarés. Please bestow your benediction on me.
Then the mantra for circumambulating the Tulasi tree.
yäni käni ca päpäni brahma-hatyädikäni ca
täni täni praëaçyanti pradakñiëaù pade pade
Those who circumambulate Çrématé Tulasé-devé step by step destroy whatever sins they have committed, even the killing of a brähmaëa.
So there are three mantras, one for bowing down, one for circumambulating, and one for collecting the leaves. So there are three mantras, one for bowing down, one for circumambulating, (3 times in the morning and evening) and one for collecting the leaves. The collecting of leaves should be done once in the morning for worshiping and for putting on the plates of foodstuff to be offered. On each bowl or plate there should be at lest one leaf. So you follow and practice these Tulasi affairs and you try to distribute your experience to all the other centers, that will be a new chapter in the history of Krsna Consciousness Movement.

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