Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mood of Honoring Prasadam

(1) Do not eat Prasädam, Honor Prasädam
Do not eat mahä-prasädam, honor mahä-prasädam. It is called prasäda-sevä, not prasäda enjoyment. Sevä means giving service. [Lecture: SB: 6.1.18, Denver, July 1, 1975]
Prasäda is as good as Kåñëa; therefore prasäda should be respected as good as Kåñëa. As soon as one gets prasädam, immediately he touches on the head because it is Kåñëa, absolute. [Lecture: SB 6.1.18, Denver, July 1, 1975]
(2) Chant appropriate prayers before honoring prasädam
It is the practice of Vaiñëavas, while taking prasädam, to chant the holy name of Lord Hari at intervals and also sing various songs, such as çaréra avidyä-jäla.
The following prayers should be chanted before honoring prasädam.
mahä-prasäde govinde näma-brahmaëi vaiñëave
sv-alpa-puëyavatäà räjan viçväso naiva jäyate
Persons who are not very highly elevated in pious activities cannot believe in the remnants of food [prasädam] of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nor in Govinda, the holy name of the Lord, nor in the Vaiñëavas.
çaréra avidyä-jäl, jadendriya tähe käl jéve phele viñaya-sägare
tä'ra madhye jihvä ati-, lobhamay sudurmati, tä'ke jetä kaöhina saàsäre
kåñëa baòa dayämay, karibäre jihvä jay, sva-prasädänna dila bhäi
sei annämåta päo, rädhä-kåñëa-guëa gäo, preme òäko caitanya-nitäi
O Lord, this material body is a lump of ignorance, and the senses are a network of paths to death. Somehow, we have fallen into this ocean of material sense enjoyment, and of all the senses the tongue is most voracious and uncontrollable; it is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world. But You, dear Kåñëa, are very kind to us and have given us such nice prasädam, just to control the tongue. Now we take this prasädam to our full satisfaction and glorify Their Lordships Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa, and in love call for the help of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityänanda.
(3) Remember: prasädam is not ordinary; it is transcendental.
Prasädam must be honored with a consciousness that it is Kåñëa's mercy and is non-different from Him. Never consider ordinary food on an equal level with mahä-prasädam.
One should never consider prasädam to be like ordinary hotel cooking. Nor should one touch any kind of food not offered to the Deity. Every Vaiñëava strictly follows this principle and does not accept any food that is not prasädam. One should take prasädam with great faith and should chant the holy name of the Lord and worship the Deity in the temple, always remembering that the Deity, mahä-prasädam and the holy name do not belong to the mundane platform. [Çré Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya-lélä 11.209 Purport]
Prasäda means favor.
One should consider mahä-prasädam a favor of Kåñëa. In this material world we are all very much attached to tasting various types of food. Therefore, Kåñëa eats many nice varieties of food and offers the food back to the devotees, so that not only are one’s demands for various tastes satisfied, but by eating prasädam one makes advancement in spiritual life. Therefore, we should never consider ordinary food on an equal level with mahä-prasädam. [Çré Caitanya-caritämåta Antya-lélä 11.20]
The Uniqueness of Prasädam:
Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu said, “These ingredients, such as sugar, camphor, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, butter, spices and licorice, are all material. Everyone has tasted these material substances before.” “However,” the Lord continued, “in these ingredients there are extraordinary tastes and uncommon fragrances. Just taste them and see the difference in the experience. Apart from the taste, even the fragrance pleases the mind and makes one forget any other sweetness besides its own. Therefore, it is to be understood that the spiritual nectar of Kåñëa’s lips has touched these ordinary ingredients and transferred to them all their spiritual qualities. A fragrance and taste that are uncommon and greatly enchanting and that make one forget all other experiences are attributes of Kåñëa’s lips. This prasädam has been made available only as a result of many pious activities. Now taste it with great faith and devotion.” [CC Antya 108 – 114 Translation]
Few Important Points:
Do not make disturbing noises while honoring prasädam.
Do not find fault with the taste of the prasädam.
Honor prasädam with great faith and devotion.
Use only the right hand to honor prasädam. The left hand should be used only for lifting the water cup (and only if one can pour the water into the mouth without touching the cup to the lips.)
Do not talk unnecessarily while honoring prasädam.
It is recommended to hear from scriptures while you honor prasädam.

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