Saturday, May 4, 2013

Results of Sadhana Bhakti

Know the aim of Life
Sädhya and sädhana. “What is the aim?” Sädhya means what for this human form of life we have got. That is called sädhya, the goal, the goal of life. And sädhana. Sädhana means the activity by which we can attain, we can achieve that goal of life. This is called sädhya-sädhana. [Lecture: Bhagavad-gétä 1.43, 30thJuly, 1973, London]
How to remain Enthusiastic?
Therefore Rupa Gosvami has introduced this system of regulative principles which I have taught to you also. These regulative principles, such as rising before 4 a.m. for mangala aratrika, chanting 16 rounds minimum on beads daily, reading books, going for the street sankirtana, preaching to anyone and everyone, offering the prasadam, like that, these principles of devotional service are there to safeguard us from maya's attack by keeping us always enthusiastic. If we strictly observe these principles, we shall remain always enthusiastic. These are the sources and the maintainers of our enthusiasm to serve Kåñëa. As soon as someone is not following them regularly, it may be certain that his enthusiasm will gradually disappear. [Letter to: Dhananjaya – Bombay, December 31, 1972]
How to get Kåñëa’s Protection?
Following Kåñëa's orders means chanting daily 16 rounds, following the four rules and regulations, rising early, associating with devotees, like that. Unless these principles are followed, we cannot expect Kåñëa's protection. [Letter to: Jayadeva – Paris, July 23, 1972]
Become strong in Kåñëa Consciousness
Take full advantage of it by always rising early, attending arati, classes and chanting at least 16 rounds daily without fail. These things will make you very strong in Kåñëa Consciousness. [Letter to: Chandramukhi – Honululu, February 2, 1975]
Become Free from Anxiety
Please continue chanting 16 rounds daily, rising early, attending mangal arati and classes, and following the 4 regulative principles. By following this simple formula as I have given from the very beginning your life will be completely free from anxiety. [Letter to: Yadubara – Bombay, December 25, 1974]
Become Free from Envy
Kåñëa personally demonstrates that everyone has the right to live. This is Våndävana life. Why should I live and you die? No. That is material life. The inhabitants of Våndävana think, “Whatever is given by Kåñëa, let us divide it as prasäda and eat.” This mentality cannot appear all of a sudden, but it will gradually develop with Kåñëa consciousness; by sädhana, one can come to this platform. [Çrémad-Bhägavatam 10.13.60 Purport]
All Problems will become Insignificant
Any way, you should try very sincerely to become a pure devotee of Kåñëa by following all of the four regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds daily, as well as rising early, attending mangala arati, attending classes, etc. By this simple method, you will be very strongly fixed in spiritual life and whatever problems you may have will seem insignificant. [Letter to: Pancananda - Mexico City, February 15, 1975]

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